The Low Down On Toenail Fungus

The Low Down On Toenail Fungus

Let’s be honest, toenail fungus is unsightly and one of the toughest things to get rid of.

The prevalence of toenail fungus in the general community is quite high. This is particularly common in older folks and those who suffer from diabetes.

Toenail fungus has a nasty effect on nails. Fungus attacks nails and creates a yellowing, brittleness and thickening of nails which in some people really creates a problem from an aesthetic point of view. 

Why does it develop? A fungal nail infection occurs from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or on the nail. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, so this type of environment can cause them to naturally overpopulate. The same fungi that cause jock itch, athlete's foot, and ringworm can cause nail infections.

People who have toenail fungal infections typically go for the quickest form of relief or cure. This tends to be use of topical treatments with active chemical ingredients or use of nonprescription (over the counter) preparations which often don’t have a lot science to back up their use.

Now, getting rid of toenail fungus takes time and diligence. It’s a bit like treating verruca warts which are often located on the base of feet. Importantly, warts are not fungus, they are actually caused by a viral infection.

Back to toenail fungus, the treatment protocol requires determination and diligence. Toenail fungus is not an overnight cure. The way the fungus is removed and nails to return to their normal state is conditional on the efficacy of the treatment being used, growth of the nail and also treating the source of reinfection.

As you know, nails take time to grow and as the fungus is eliminated, the nail grows out without the influence of fungal infection.

So it’s pretty much a simple task of finding an effective treatment and STICKING to that treatment, expect to see results in around 8 to 12 weeks, continue treatment until the nail looks uninfected and treat your shoes (if the product allows you to do so).

Check out Natural Treatments which have some science behind them rather than going for products that promise all but deliver zero..

Always work with your healthcare provider if symptoms persist or worsen

Healthy feet are happy feet

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