Fungus Doesn’t Hibernate During Winter

Fungus Doesn’t Hibernate During Winter

Factoid – Fungal infections are just as active during colder months if not even more active!

Fungus loves warm, moist and dark places.. You guessed it, just like the environment we have in enclosed winter shoes and warm socks that we spend all day in.

Increased sweating in our shoes from wearing our regular everyday shoes inside and outside and probably leaving socks on when indoors ; we have effectively created optimum conditions for a fungal breeding ground of all proportions.

You might have picked up an infection from a family member or at a friend’s house, at your local gym or swimming pool. Fungus takes hold and because your feet are not exposed to air as they are in summer, fungus grows at a rapid rate.


The last thing you want to see when the sun comes out are a bunch of toenails that are turning yellow, cracking and thickening. This is the sign that Fungus has found you as a great place to eat!!

Jump on to the problem pronto. Start with regular foot washing, complete drying and application of a mild moisturiser. DAY AND NIGHT..

Next… STARVE FUNGUS!!.... Yes, using a natural product such as FunghiClear® with powerful triketones found in high grade Manuka Oil; Fungi are unable to build robust cell walls which leave them exposed to environmental and immune attacks. 

If you have discovered the problem early, using FunghiClear® will begin to show results in 6 to 8 weeks. Advanced infections will take longer.

BUT, you must be diligent with treatment and ALSO, treat your shoes… Indeed, shoes are a well-known site of reinfection.

The great thing about FunghiClear® is the convenience of a discreet 50ml spray bottle that can be used upright and upside down, this means you can reach difficult areas on feet and toes. FunghiClear® has a lovely botanical aroma which helps to mask  the smell of sweaty feet and shoes. FunghiClear® is gentle and penetrates into areas of feet and toes where Fungi thrive.

FunghiClear® is backed up by science. Studies show how effective the ingredients in FunghiClear® are for preventing and combatting fungal infections.


Fungal toenails are really tough to treat when you ignore the early signs of infection. Use winter as your time to eradicate Fungi and restore your feet to a healthy and happy state.

FunghiClear® New To Australia but trusted by Europeans who have successfully used the treatment for over 10 years.

Let us help you with an easy to use natural solution by visiting our web site to obtain the FunghiClear® starter pack…

FunghiClear® is a licensed medical device in Australia and available to consumers Now!  - NO PRESCRIPTION NEEDED

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