Fabulous Feet – Fungus Free

Fabulous Feet – Fungus Free

It’s no secret that there many people in our society who have severe problems displaying their feet. The key reason to hiding those wonderful pieces of architecture maybe down to one simple word FUNGUS… Fungal infections are common, really common; from infections of the skin and hair right down to your toenails.

A common belief is that fungus is a type of bacteria. WRONG… bacteria and fungus are from completely different sides of the fence and when treating either type of infection it is very important to identify the correct treatment protocols otherwise you may well end up extending the infection or making it worse. 

Couple of things that will make you feel a little jollier; if you happen to have a fungus problem on your feet” don’t fret”, fungus infections are easy to treat and with diligence and attention, you will have it beaten.

You might be one of those incredibly hygienic persons who take absolute care to ensure you are not going to get infected however; even simple things like using communal showers at the gym or other sporting centres are potential sites of fungal transmission.  Fungus loves humid / moist areas and any change room or shower facility is a fungus playground, so you need to take precautions like wearing flip flops in the shower and not using towels that have been used by other people.

Foot infections show up by way of skin that peels either across the surface of the foot or in between the toes. The infection creates itching and sometimes dryness where skin is trying to recover but still battling the ever present fungus.

The other tell-tale sign of fungal infection of the feet is seen on toes. Yes, your toes or more specifically your toenails. Toenails which become infected begin to show a yellowish discolouration, brittleness and also thickening. As the infection takes hold of its host, the nails really begin to take on a nasty appearance and become difficult to manage. Most people in their more senior years and those with diabetes are prone to this type of infection and may need professional help to get the disease under control.

It’s out there, but you can take measures to prevent and combat this ever-present dilemma. Always use fresh clean items such as socks, jocks, knickers, workout gear, towels etc. Don’t use other people’s workout gear. Clean the inside of your shoes frequently and make sure to inspect and treat your feet after every shower.

There are natural treatments for prevention and combatting fungal infections of the feet. Check out products that have science behind them and look for ingredients that are not harsh on your skin or toenails. The battle is won when you take time to think of your feet as those lonely soldiers’ way down at the end of your legs.

If you see your condition worsening or persisting then it’s time to speak to your healthcare provider 

Keeping feet happy…

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