Essential Oils Fighting Fungal Infections – “Manuka Oil”

Essential Oils Fighting Fungal Infections – “Manuka Oil”

Since ancient times, folk medicine and agro-food science have benefitted from the use of plant derivatives, such as essential oils, to combat different diseases, as well as to preserve food. In Nature, essential oils play a fundamental role in protecting the plant from attacks it may be subjected to as a living organism. 

The science of how essential oils battle microbial and fungal attacks needs a just a little bit of explain of how it works. While the science can at times be a bit of a slog to understand, it is important we get some knowledge of why it works and why botanical oils do their job in helping us combat and prevent infections. So let’s get short overview of fungus and use of Manuka Oil.

Fungal infections are caused by eukaryotic organisms, and it is therefore more difficult to ascertain their presence and apply the appropriate therapeutic treatment compared to bacterial infections. The cell wall of fungi may be considered as the prime target for selectively toxic antifungal agents because of its chitin structure, which is absent in human cells. The antimicrobial or antifungal activity of essential oil might be caused by the properties of terpenes/terpenoids, that—due to their highly lipophilic nature and low molecular weight—are capable of disrupting the cell membrane, causing cell death or inhibiting the sporulation and germination of food spoilage fungi.

Ok, end of the science class.. Suffice to say that the boffins in lab coats have done their job and have demonstrated why essential oil and this case, Manuka Oil is effective in preventing and combatting fungal infections of feet and toenails.

FunghiClear™ is a new and exciting entrant to the field of natural antifungal treatment for the feet and toenails. Containing Manuka Oil as the primary active ingredient, FunghiClear™ has been show in scientific studies to be effective against fungal infections. 

Packaged in a very clever 50ml spray bottle (you can turn the bottle upside down and spray on difficult to reach areas of the feet), FunghiClear™ allows people to treat areas of infection as well as spraying into the nose end of shoes to stop reinfection.

A delightful Manuka Oil aroma also aids in the deodorization of feet and shoes. 

Always speak to your healthcare provider if symptoms persist or worsen

Be Safe and Be Healthy 

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