Caring for your feet and toes

Caring for your feet and toes

Not only do your feet do a great job of keeping you attached to earth, they also do other amazing things such as getting you to shopping malls, weekend BBQ’s, school, office and generally transporting from A to B.

Have you ever given your feet and toes the attention they deserve? Probably not. Many people take their feet for granted and only when things go wrong such as kicking a toe or treading on a piece of Lego do you give thought to those fabulous feet. 

The foot is a superb piece of architecture. Each foot is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, all of which work together to provide support, balance and mobility. 

With so many moving parts, the feet are susceptible to injury from a number of causes however; we’d like to focus on one area of foot care that is often overlooked. FUNGUS…

The word conjures up large fields of dome shaped structures tossed into salads and sauces to add that sought after flavour. Sadly, that’s not the fungus we are talking about. Fungus is something that is common to humans and can be found on skin & Hair and mucous membranes. When it gets out of control, Fungus can be quite a painful experience. 

Fungal spores infect feet, this is caused by exposure of feet to infected surfaces (which there are many.) 

Skin of the feet become red, inflamed, patchy and peel. Toenails on the other hand start to develop discolouration, brittleness and thickness. Left uncontrolled, feet really do take a pounding and tend to look quite nasty. 

When feet take on the alien look, folks tend to hide their tootsies in covered shoes and avoid having feet uncovered. This approach is bit like putting your head in the sand, you can’t fix the problem unless you accept you have it and willing to put time and effort into eliminating the root cause.

There are 100% natural treatments available which contain scientifically proven ingredients to combat and prevent fungal infections of the feet. The key is diligence and compliance to therapy. You will eliminate the cause if you are prepared to spend time every day to apply the treatment.

Toenails will respond by growing new nails and fungal spores die out to leave the site of infection free of fungal activity. It takes time and you must be ready to get into a routine for 4 to 8 weeks to get the results you deserve.

If symptoms or conditions worsen, you need to speak to your foot care specialist or healthcare provider


Keeping feet happy….

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