Bring Home Your PR – NOT Toenail Fungus!!!

Bring Home Your PR – NOT Toenail Fungus!!!


You’ve been hitting Max HR and upping your FTP to new heights ready to set a new PR for the next road or spinning session. The training has been relentless and at times you’ve had to sacrifice a load of leisure time to put your body into the best shape it has ever been. You’ve spent squillions on your new carbon fibre rig with attention to details such as pulling weight off the frame anywhere and everywhere you can. The new wheels are top of the game with amazing grip and spin that just keep rolling and rolling. What a superb piece of machinery that is powered by a human engine. 

How about those new $750 cycling shoes.. whoa, how good are they?. Such a tight but comfy fit with just the right amount flex in the carbo sole. Many people can’t understand the level effort you put into your training and also how much you have invested in your kit. When it all adds up, you are sitting on over $10,000 worth of investment. But hey, this is your love and your motivation to take on the challenge that gets you out of bed at 4.30 am to climb hills and hit the K’s as you speed along the flats. 

Reality is a tough teacher and sometimes you might want to consider how training might impact your toes. Seriously, the amount of sweat and humidity in your cycling shoes whether they are the top roadie numbers of your spinning shoes are in fact breeding grounds for FUNGUS. Errrrkkk you say but facts are facts and fungus loves to grow in locations such as workout shoes and causes disease such as athletes foot and toenail fungus. It’s very common and if not attacked early, the disease spreads and then becomes very difficult and time consuming to cure.

Imagine this, you’ve arrived home and taken off your cycling shoes and staring back at you is the start of a fungal infection growing happily across your toenails. It starts with a discolouration then over time becomes yellow and the nail thickens, cracks and then the infection jumps to your other toes. It’s a hideous disease, not painful (in the early stages) but leaves your feet looking like they have been created for a horror movie .. 

Don’t fret we can fix this quite easily and it doesn’t take any time away from your training.

FunghiClear® is an all-natural spray that you simply apply to your toenails and feet twice daily (if you see infection) or apply every other day to prevent infection. AND, to really protect your feet and toes, spray FunghiClear® 2 times per week into your cycling shoes. The product has a botanical aroma which also aids in deodorising the shoes and leaves your feet and shoes smelling fantastic.

A small 50ml spray bottle that can also be used upside down for difficult to reach areas and you will soon have the fungal infection beating a hasty retreat. FunghiClear® is an approved medical device under the Australian TGA licensing system and not one of those promise all deliver nothing products that are a total waste of money.

FunghiClear® when used according to directions prevents and combats toenail infections.

Keep your feet totally healthy and in tip top shape since they are the connection to your bike and you want that connection to be another reason why you stay ahead of the pack.

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