Beautiful feet start with beautiful toenails

Beautiful feet start with beautiful toenails

Often, we forget about those wonderful things that keep us connected to earth; Our feet.

Such incredible pieces of human engineering that allow us to do amazing things keeping us balanced and moving in all directions. 

The architecture of feet is complex and while overlooked when it comes to aesthetics, feet can represent overall health if they are neglected.

Toenails are important functional parts of feet and toes; they are there for a reason and need to be managed in order to ensure healthy feet. As some may know, ingrown toenails are incredibly painful and require (at times) professional help in order to overcome pain and infections. 

Once fungi infect toenails, the outcome is not pretty. Nails become yellow, brittle and thickened. This disease process carries on as nails regrow or are trimmed resulting in permanent disfigurement of nail growth. The other important aspect is that the appearance of feet is less than attractive to look at.

Avoiding treatment of infected toenails is not a good practice; this is also particularly important for people with diabetes. Nails that are infected become difficult to manage, sharp edges become more prevalent and can damage adjoining toes. Gross overgrowth of the nail is also evident as nails thicken and become even more difficult to treat.

Avoiding the arrival of toenail fungus for people more prone to this type of disease can be as simple as a daily routine of washing and drying feet effectively, inspecting feet carefully and then applying treatment to the toes and inside of shoes. Shoes are a key source of reinfection and need to be treated appropriately.

A number of product’s are available for preventing and combatting fungal infections of the toes. Check out natural therapies which contain proven ingredients backed by scientific studies which can demonstrate the active ingredients are effective against fungi. 

Starting a regular routine to prevent infection or treating the infection will result in a set of feet that will look good and feel even better.

Should symptoms worsen of persist always speak to your healthcare provider 

Keeping feet happy

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